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Name: Xiomi

Age: 24

City: Barranquilla

Country: Columbia

Issue: Climate



  • Experts 1
    Katie Zach Goldman, Lead Evaluator Katie Reusch, Partnerships Expert
  • Experts 2
    Carla Friedman, Youth Expert

Xiomy is a committed leader for environmental and climate justice in Colombia and around the world. Since age 15, she has been developing and creating spaces for community solutions to climate change in Barranquilla, Colombia. In 2012, she founded Barranquilla+20 a youth led collective that has impacted more than 3000 people in Colombia. Her purpose in life is to connect people to define their territories and protect their environment using their local knowledge and resources.


Xiomy is trying to solve the innumerable consequences of climate change, particularly in vulnerable communities located in bio-diverse hotspots around South America. She wants to become an agent of change in Colombia and in the world; by inspiring a movement for environmental sustainability and collaborate in the creation of solutions to preserve the global ecosystem. She has been creating initiatives such as MallorquinVIVE Water school, more than 5 events about climate change and development and she cofounded “El Orinoco Se Adapta”, a project that is showcasing and supporting local initiatives in the Orinoquia region of Colombia through short films and education-movement building.


She has been engaging a group of youth volunteers like herself to take action by doing interventions, advocating in different UN spaces for inter-generational equity, and engaging and supporting existing movements for climate action. In Paraguay, she mobilized more than 1000 youth to develop climate activities such as: trainings, a COP21 simulation, and a national youth consultation in climate change.

Xiomy is always open for collaborative work in the advancement of climate justice by working with many local and international organizations.


The most important topic of her agenda is the environment  and she shows everyone this through her actions.

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